
13 Days

I've never felt this focused & this ready for school in my entire life. I've also never experienced school quite as difficult as college in my entire life. Therefore, I don't know what to expect. I really am going to focus on getting good grades, but I also want to have a social life. I think I'm just going to start praying for God to lead me down my path. I really would like to be the really smart girl with a lot of friends, but I don't know how to do that. I guess I'll just go, focus on school, and let friends come to me. Man, I don't even knoww!


I Got Me Some Faabryyk

Yep...the title says it all. Went to JoAnn with my Mimi today and got some flannel, fleece, and a pattern for a Snuggie. I plan to make my sister some dinosaur pajama pants and my mom commented the other day with how worn out my pajama pants are so I got some pretty fabric with roses on it. I'm excited.


A Do Nothing Day

Do nothing days do not exist right now because I am just so busy busy busy getting ready for college. I've gotten basically everything packed, but there are still some little pieces I need to get together. For one thing, I need to get all the clothes I'm taking with me packed. That part is rather challenging because A. it's much colder where I'm going to college and B. I love all my clothes. However, I know, as any sensible girl might know, that I cannot possibly take my whole wardrobe with me because that would be irrational. So, I must pick wisely, and not pick too much so I can still shop for more. Oh man. I love clothes so this part, although it might sound nightmarish, is actually loads of fun.


OK so there's this girl...

For argument's sake, we'll call her Lafonda. So, Lafonda was my best friend when Felicia was here. Then, Felicia went off to college and Lafonda had a boyfriend. Whenever Lafonda has a boyfriend she never really has time for her other friends. So, I let it be. Then, I realized, even when she was single or they were having problems she never ever talked to me about it. So, basically, we hadn't been friends since Felicia left. Felicia came home for the summer and I felt bad for making her divide her time between Lafonda and me so I decided to try to be Lafonda's friend again. Lafonda was telling me that I'm boy crazy and I need to stop being so boy crazy. Ok. Whatever. Well, there was this guy, named Yoshi. Yoshi had a friend named Mario. Lafonda and I had met the two of them bowling one night. I dated Mario and never quite understood what happened with Lafonda and Yoshi. Well, Lafonda, Felicia, and I went to youth group one night and then Yoshi texted her. I asked her what was going on with him and she said she just wanted him to leave her alone. Via Facebook, Yoshi and I had a conversation. In this conversation, I explained to him that Lafonda just wanted him to stay away and he should leave Lafonda alone. He then started trying to get with me, so I told him we could be friends. Yoshi and his other friend Luigi came over one night for a game night. I liked Luigi, but Yoshi still really liked me. Yoshi, Luigi, and Lafonda's friend Cinderella were going to the movies one night. I felt bad for Yoshi because Luigi & Cinderella were going to make him feel like a third wheel, so I went along as Yoshi's FRIEND. After the movie, we went back to Yoshi's house and lo and behold, Lafonda called him and decided to come over. I could tell she was pissed at me for being there in the first place and hanging out with Yoshi. But why on earth did she say she just wanted him to stay away and yet still be "talking to him?"
Lafonda and I are no longer friends. Felicia and I however remain best friends and since Lafonda was my best friend I still like to keep tabs on how she is and what she's been up to. Felicia is almost fed up with her and I'm currently trying to understand why they're still even friends.
That's it.



My mom forced me to start reading my summer reading book. Now, when I say forced, I mean like...pulling teeth. So, I started to give it a chance. So far, it was horrible the first few chapters, but now it's getting kind of interesting. Seeing as how I grew up in suburban area, it's hard to relate to characters from the country. Somehow, though, I'm still enjoying it. I should be reading it now, but I decided to tell whoever reads this blog (no one) about it.
Infinite x's and o's,


Here's the deal

When I wrote those other posts, I was 14. Now I'm 17 and not quite so emotional or annoying. Nobody will read these. Ever. And I'm ok with that. And even if they do, I'm sure they were once 14 and will understand. I'm going to college next year so that should be fun. I'm excited but kinda scared. I'm trying to focus on the excited part because if I let the scared part get to me, I will be in big trouble. I know I will miss everyone and everything about my home now, but I have to accept that and move on. I can't make a big deal out of it or I'll be in big trouble. I plan to study apparel & textiles because my love for fashion has grown exceptionally since I've taken up sewing. I recently took a sketching class and learned I'm pretty good at that, too. I enjoy my life and hopefully if you want to, you can enjoy it through this blog.




Dear Diane,

Why can't they remember how they used to be the same way? Why can't they even pretend to understand the bull we're going through? I don't get it...why can't God fix the problem between teenagers & their parents? My friend just got kicked out of his house. He has nowhere to go. He's going to have to drop out of school, get his GED, and go to Westside Tech. I'll probably never get to see him again. This kid always put me in a good mood even when I didn't want to smile. I can talk to him about anything && everything. He's never judged me. I understand that I can't offer him my house. I understand that I can't help him...even though I'd do anything to be able to. Maybe God wants me to learn that people won't stay there forever. I get it...now can't JJ just come back?? I miss him soo much already...I can't even imagine what school's going to be like without him. Truth: I'm completely && totally in love with him...and he knows it, but he loves someone else & I've learned to accept that. He's my best guy friend, my protection, & my favorite hug. He's like a brother to me. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do without him. He's the first person to ever tell me that no matter what time it is, if I'm in trouble, I could call him. He was like my bodyguard. I know this is making me sound extremely selfish, but I want My James!!
