
Diary Entry Numero Tres

Dear Diane,

Today, OOHH!!! I can't WAIT!!!! I'm meeting with my modeling agent to go over what work they think I'll be good for!!! I'm sooo excited! But the meeting's not till 5:45. And then, after that, I'm goin to a Venture Crew meeting. Today I'm gonna be really really busy!! That's in a good way, though! My mom and I made peace yesterday [[finally]] and so now we're okay. That will probably last about a week. Hahaha only kidding. It should last at least a month.
Saturday, I have a babysitting job to go to. It's my first with these people, so I'll need to make a good impression. I hope they like me!! lol....I'm sure they will. The kids will be asleep so it should be uber easy. They have a 5 year old, a 3 year old, and a 10 week old. Thank GOD it's only for like 2 hours! Oh well, money is money. And if I have to sit for the 10 week old, that just means more of it!! Lol.....And as of right now, I'm pretty much broke. In other words, I'm saving up for a portable DVD player, I owe my mom $70, and I'm saving up for some new earphones and I have a grand total of....wait for it.... $34. I know, I told you I'm broke. That's why I'm doing any babysitting job possible. The last one I did, I made $10, and the one before that, I made $21. The $21 was in a check, however, and will go to my savings account, and therefore doesn't count. I'm hoping to start getting modeling jobs soon because that is some GOOD money! Granted, if I do something that makes a lot of money, most of it will probably go into my savings. Oh well, whatever, it's still guna add up. I'm soo excited to be modeling again!
Next week, my little 11 year old sister, is going to sleep-away camp. She's not nervous though....thank GAWD!! I think I would die if I had to listen to her complain over and over with my mom.
Oh well, that's pretty much it for now.

Infinite x's and o's,

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